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Issue with Gaps in CSV Import from Google Sheets to Clay


I need to understand why this keeps happening. I exported a lead sheet from google, and when I put it into clay as a CSV, I keep getting these weird gaps here is the link: If you check 10899, I have a huge gap, and I don't know why it is happening. It happens for other leadsheets as well... It messes up my data pretty bad

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    When importing CSV data into Clay, blank fields or gaps can appear for a couple of reasons:1. Object fields (like import context from HubSpot) won't display their raw data values. 2. Integration fields showing "run condition not met" in Clay will appear as blank spaces in the CSV.To minimize these gaps and create cleaner data sets, you can:1. Create a dedicated "CSV Export View" 2. Hide or remove unnecessary columns 3. Focus on including only the essential raw valuesAfter importing, you can leverage Clay's data cleaning and AI-powered formatting features to standardize your information and fill in any gaps. Sources: Import CSV [Clay 101] - Clay University Download as a CSV [Clay 101] - Clay University

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