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Building a Comprehensive List of Elementary Schools and Their PTAs/PTOs


Hey guys, I am trying to build a list of all the PTA/PTOs (Parent Teacher Association/Parent Teacher Organisation) of elementary schools in the US. I'm thinking the best place to start is building a list of all the elementary schools in the US, most of their websites have contact information corresponding to their PTO/PTA. I could use Claygent to enrich if I have the elementary school website. What would be the best way to make a list of all the elementary schools? Do you think this is the best method to build a PTO list?

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hey, thanks for reaching out! The best way to build a list of all elementary schools in the US would be to start by gathering publicly available data, such as from education directories or government websites that list schools by region. Once you have the list of schools, you can use Claygent to enrich the data by pulling contact details from each school's website, including their PTO/PTA information. Steps: 1. Get a List of Elementary Schools: โ€ข Use sources like the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) or state education department websites to download a list of elementary schools. You can use our Chrome Extension to extract the data from there as well. 2. Use Claygent to Enrich: โ€ข After importing the list of schools into Clay, you can use Claygent to scrape the contact information, including PTO/PTA details, from each school's website. You can build your prompt with this GPT. You would want to try to find with one prompt: The LinkedIn URL, the person's full name, and their EMAIL. That's all specified via the Outputs option in Claygent. 3. Verify and Clean Data: โ€ข As you enrich the data, you may need to verify and clean the information to ensure accuracy, especially for PTO/PTA contacts. That can be done by using table filters. Let me know if you need help getting started with the enrichment process!

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    We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!

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    Hi Harj J.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: