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Automating Workflow Updates for Lead Responses in Clay


Hey guys, I'm working to automate a workflow where specific data updates are triggered across multiple tables based on lead responses. Here’s the setup:

  • I want to populate one column in an existing table automatically when a lead responds with interest in Smartlead.

  • When a lead’s status updates (e.g., replies as interested), it should trigger an action to populate a separate table on Clay.

  • The ideal solution would allow the response to map directly to the relevant campaign table out of a list of 10 tables, updating it with specific data automatically.

Could you guide me on the best approach to set this up in Clay? I guess what I’m looking for Is a way to “write to table” without adding rows, but instead fill the value of cells in a table with already filled rows. Like when you modify the data inside the Text Data and it just populates the whole table by making it the default value.

  • Avatar of Nishil P.
    Nishil P.

    Hey Simon V., I think using make to manage the conditional flow would solve your issues. Note: Make doesn't have a native integration with clay you will need to use HTTP APIs to manage the flow

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hey there! To set up an automated workflow that updates specific cells across multiple tables based on lead responses, here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. Set Up the Enrichments in Your Table: • Set up all your pre-filled enrichment and then leverage our Add Lead to Campaign, Update Lead in Cmapaign or Remove Lead from campaign at the end for sending back your lead. 2. Set Up Webhooks for Automatic Updates: • Create a new table and use webhooks to automate updates between tables. You can refer to this webhook setup guide for assistance. 3. Conditional Formulas and Write to Table: • Use conditional formulas to customize actions based on lead responses. Check out this guide on AI formulas. • Then, to write specific values to existing rows rather than adding new rows, use the Write to Table feature. This feature is explained in more detail here. Following these steps should help you set up a smooth automation workflow to update specific data across multiple tables. Let us know if you have further questions! 😊

  • Avatar of Simon V.
    Simon V.

    Hi Nishil and Bo, Thank you for the guidance so far! I'm implementing an automation workflow to update data in Clay tables based on lead responses in Smartlead, but there are a few nuances I need help with. Here’s a breakdown of my goal and where I could use more insight:

    1. 1.

      Goal: I want to automatically update specific cells in an existing Clay table (without adding new rows) when a lead replies as "interested." Specifically:

    • I need to update a cell within existing rows in a particular column with dynamic values. This should reflect in real-time based on the latest status updates from Smartlead.

    • The automation should select from one of multiple campaign tables based on predefined conditions (e.g., selecting the correct industry-specific table).

    1. 2.

      Current Approach: Based on your recommendations, I’m considering using for conditional flow management, and then sending updates via HTTP APIs to Clay. However, I have a few questions on implementation:

    • Table Selection: Can you recommend a filter or conditional formula within Clay to ensure each lead response maps to the correct campaign table out of the 10 I have set up?

    • Write to Existing Cells: From what I understand, the Write to Table feature allows direct cell updates. Can I use this feature to overwrite specific cells based on unique identifiers without disturbing other data in the row? I need these cell values to dynamically update in the corresponding campaign table as the lead status changes.

    • The data in rows in the tables to updates are not "child" to the "interested lead table". These are differents values and records.

    1. 3.

      Ideal Outcome: The table should be able to:

    • Auto-select the relevant campaign table and update only the necessary cells (no new rows).

    • Reflect real-time data changes to the “interested” column in the table, acting as a live tracker of lead interest for each campaign or client.

    Could you please confirm if this workflow is feasible with the Write to Table feature? And if so, any specific examples of how to filter or trigger this within Clay for targeted table updates would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again for your help on this!

  • Avatar of Tanvi R.
    Tanvi R.

    Hi Simon, Thank you for the detailed breakdown of your goals and current approach! is the best approach here for conditional flow management across multiple Clay tables. Here are answers to your questions: 1. Table Selection: It's currently not possible to apply filters across Clay. Instead, here's how I would approach this: When a lead replies to your Smartlead campaign as interested, their information is sent back via webhook to one singular Clay table. From this Clay table, I would create 10 different write to table columns for each of the 10 tables you are mapping to. For each of these write to table columns, apply a conditional formula so the leads are only sent to the new table if they meet the corresponding table criteria. 2. Write to Existing Cells: Write to Table does not overwrite existing cells in a row. This is because if you overwrite linked cells, it will cause the entire row to re-run as it considers the inputs as new. Instead, write to table will create a new row in this table. However, for your use case there is a workaround we could try here. We could write the updated data to a new column, and then create a merge column with the new data and old column. Thus, the new & old data will be reflected in a central column. Could you share the table urls/value cells you're look to update? Happy to assist you further in getting this workflow set up. Let me know if this makes sense and if you have further questions!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.

  • Avatar of Channeled

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