Hey there I'm using the "Find Recent Posts by User or Company" enrichment for posts newer than 3 months and noticing that quite a bit of profiles aren't pulling in the posts. Is there a reason for this? Posts from public profiles aren't being pulled in. Thanks for your help
The reason some public profiles' posts aren't being pulled in is that our post data comes from public web scraping rather than direct LinkedIn connections. There are several factors that could affect this:1. If the profile hasn't been active recently 2. If the content hasn't been publicly scraped recently 3. Even if the profile is public, some content might not be accessible through scrapingFor alternative approaches to get this data, you could:1. Use services like Apify or Phantombuster integrated with Clay (note: use cautiously as these services use your LinkedIn account and could risk being blocked) 2. Try using Claygent with advanced AI models like Argon or GPT 4o for better results
tbh, it's not working for me at all for last month. I post regularly on LinkedIn and the enrichment is not even getting my recent post.
It's been a useless integration for quite some time now.
Are you all talking about the LinkedIn post scraper that magically scrapes LinkedIn posts without putting your own LinkedIn account at risk has a trade off that sometimes it’s missing posts? If so you can always use phantom buster and put your LinkedIn account at risk to have 100% coverage. It misses posts because of how it crosses things and the trade off is that you don’t put your account at risk
Yes, we know about this trade off.... and I'm not saying that it's bad thing... I'm saying Clay should have a Status Check page where they mentioned about particular enrichment not working due to certain reason so User do not have hard time thinking why it's not working when it was working in past.
Eric N. was just asking out of curiosity - there are alternative options, like the Clay bot mentions, that don't use your LinkedIn account (ie. RapidAPI). IMO it would be useful for Clay to include warnings/disclaimers in the enrichment for transparency purposes (although I guess that's the purpose of the documentation pages)
Vinit hit the nail on the head. We dont have millions of $$$ or even the time to waste frankly to run rows a few times and then realize the integration we ran was itself a dud and then feel oh sooo grateful that the integration exists. We know it doesn't affect our Li account. It shouldn't, thats the whole point of the integration. lol. Why shilling so much its not needed 😄 .
What Roshan listed is a great alternative Trigify is using fake linkedin accounts to get you the data so I'd say that's more of a scraping capacity issue that if it doens't get everything in about 48 hours I'd ping their team
Admittedly, I was in a spicy mood last night. This is a good alternative https://rapidapi.com/mgujjargamingm/api/linkedin-data-scraper/pricing
Hey Roshan, everyone! Thanks for sharing this feedback I've done the same, shared internally to scope out these indicators and including more information when it happens. We're currently working on a few options to address this specific integration but it's also quite limited for the same reason it depends on data accessibility. We'll share more insights on the changes once confirmed it would perform as it should. For now, definitely recommend any of those alternatives mentioned in this thread.
I’ll throw this in here since we’ve found great success, but another great alternative that they just released new endpoints (and use the same methods as Trigify) is scrapin.io We use it internally for real-time data.
I would also recommend go for phantombuster + their option for proxy, using a vpn with a location that make sense to keep certain level of consistency, you can also set the time so you are not connected from different locations at the same time. if you planning to do some heavy lifting with phantombuster, you can manage /spit into 2ndary accounts for scraping content from others post, you also reduce risk by paying LI for premium and/or sales nav
I dont want another scraping vendor in my tech stack and not connect a LI account. Would one of you like to do some API arbitrage in Apify? 😄