Hey Guys, is there any way to clean company names and job titles without spending credits?
Yes! Our data cleaning tools are completely credit-free. List building and data cleaning functions are free on Clay since they operate by parsing existing data rather than reaching out to external data providers.To clean company names: 1. Go to the enrichment panel's "Tools" section 2. Find the "Normalize Company Names" function 3. Select your input column 4. Optionally enable case normalization (converts names like "SALESFORCE" to "Salesforce") 5. Run the actionThe tool removes legal suffixes and unnecessary prefixes - for example, "Panamax Inc." becomes "Panamax" and "Cora, a company of blank" becomes "Cora".We also offer other free normalization tools for: ** Text whitespace ** Phone numbers * Locations Sources: Data Cleaning + Normalization [Clay 101] - Clay University FAQ | Clay.com Clay formatters overview | Documentation | Clay University
how would i normalize job titles?
dont see an option for that
this is what i see
While we don't have a direct "normalize job titles" function like we do for company names, you can use our "Map Job Title to Persona" tool to standardize job titles. Here's how it works: 1. Navigate to the enrichment panel's "Tools" section 2. Look for the "Map Job Title to Persona" function 3. Input your job titles 4. Define personas and related keywords (e.g., Persona: "Engineer (Individual Contributor)", Keywords: "Engineer, Software, Developer, Technical")The tool will then map your job titles to the defined personas, helping create consistency in your job title data.Additionally, you can use our Text Whitespace normalization tool to ensure consistent spacing in your job title data. Like our other cleaning tools, these functions are credit-free since they work by parsing existing data rather than reaching out to external providers. Sources: Data Cleaning + Normalization [CRM Enrichment] - Clay University Map Job Title to Persona with Clay Data Cleaning + Normalization [Automated Inbound] - Clay University
You can normalize job titles using our "Map Job Title to Persona" tool. Here's how to use it: 1. Go to the enrichment panel's "Tools" section 2. Find and select the "Map Job Title to Persona" function 3. Configure two main inputs: • Job Title: Enter the job title you want to normalize • Personas & Keywords: Create your standardized categories by defining: • Persona title (e.g., "Engineer (Individual Contributor)") • Related keywords as a comma-separated list (e.g., "Engineer, Software, Developer, Technical")Additionally, you can use our Text Whitespace normalization tool to ensure consistent spacing in your job title data. Both of these tools are credit-free since they work by parsing existing data. Sources: Map Job Title to Persona with Clay Data Cleaning + Normalization [Automated Inbound] - Clay University