Is there a way to auto de-dupe a list that is automatically pulling new leads into a table via a webhook?
you can just auto-dedupe on a specific column no matter which source like for example webhook is used.
Yes, you can automatically deduplicate entries in your table based on a specific column. Here's how to set it up:1. Click the Auto-dedupe icon at the bottom right of your table 2. Select "Enable automatic deduplication" 3. Choose the specific column you want to dedupe on 4. Click "Save Changes"This will automatically remove duplicate entries based on your selected column as new data comes in.Alternatively, you can manually dedupe a specific column at any time by:1. Right-clicking the column you want to dedupe 2. Selecting "Dedupe > Delete Duplicate Row" Source: Auto-update and Auto-dedupe Table
Amazing thank you
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