Hi Clay support team, I have a few questions, but I will describe the first situation here. Im tryign to find leads for my company using Clauy and I set up a column where you can see that I ask for companies with and without an ISO certification. When I use the find people option how can I ensure that it will exclude people from companies where it says certified? I did not get it with the column filtering options
You can use the Company Attributes section in the Find People search to exclude companies with ISO certification. Under Company Attributes, you can use the keyword exclusion feature to filter out companies that mention "ISO" in their descriptions. Source: Find People overview | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hi, thank you for reaching out. First, apply the filters to display only the companies you're interested in. Once you've found the ones you want, click the arrow next to "Default View" and select "Duplicate View." The buttons are located below. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1293314134/7b5b66c24e654b7cfb16d744ecf2/CleanShot+2024-12-11+at+12_15_55%402x.png?expires=1733940900&signature=002b472a8152e255bdb49851aa62a842431c1fde0e134935af0a743c463bfe57&req=dSIuFcp%2FmYBcXfMW1HO4zYuEB%2BousiW7lCS6ixXysaEfOiQBcOVvcY8Qnef8%0AcjD4%0A Once you've created a new view, double-click on "Copy of Duplicate View" at the top to rename it. In the example below, I've changed the name to "Renamed View." https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1293315932/b8376a213da96280150303361051/CleanShot+2024-12-11+at+12_17_12%402x.png?expires=1733940900&signature=d468e61380001500d253a382277e72efa4a4c96132b994a31741cf9dce4cf393&req=dSIuFcp%2FmIhcW%2FMW1HO4zSaI6YDaqCc%2BGjXIPVF%2BLXGhZMLQYFy%2BUYImUqZ5%0AVSg5%0A Then select "Actions">"Find people at these companies..." https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1293318515/cce176c3b09a6e34461d77db963b/CleanShot+2024-12-11+at+12_18_24%402x.png?expires=1733940900&signature=5bf0936cecfefa0d80faf3d15f00b3a9ea96a9ec5b4f184d1e431254d2c7418c&req=dSIuFcp%2FlYReXPMW1HO4zdKLhxRF3c0jEb%2Bp%2FY0vbYp6XyHZZ%2FIUajD2Wnc9%0A%2B0Z7%0A In the menu that appears, go to "Companies" > "View" and select your new view with the filtered results from the drop-down menu. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1293321412/1d98400a3efbc907d9a5aed533c1/CleanShot+2024-12-11+at+12_20_26%402x.png?expires=1733940900&signature=77fe91f778f8f4245a5dbe30b94128c0b43dad30fc34fca56d3f9d32264e8652&req=dSIuFcp8nIVeW%2FMW1HO4zSi3lEuXR8TNfzSfIQVutc5OyCn%2FvE8hApufj3ig%0A5SEY%0A This will ensure that only contacts from companies matching your selected filters are returned. Let me know if this helps!
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Thank you Stefano!