We have set up a clay prompt for scanning company news on the company website ... is there a prompt or template that folks recommend that can scan for news and posts across other websites or linkedin related to the company we want to target and the topics / keywords we care about?
Yes, Clay has a template that can help you track company news and posts across different sources. The template allows you to: 1. Pull in news articles relevant to your search query by extracting RSS Feeds 2. Extract business information referenced in articles using Claygent 3. Find and enrich contact information for people at those companiesYou can also use specific templates for LinkedIn monitoring, such as: ** "Track post engagement from your LinkedIn influencers" ** "Enrich people's profiles of who commented on a LinkedIn post"These templates can be accessed through Clay's template library and customized according to your specific tracking needs. Sources: Automate screenshots of unlimited website pages | Clay Power your outbound campaigns with our best templates | Clay.com