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Optimizing Email Campaign Enrichments for Unique Company Domains


I have a contact list with 1,658 rows. My goal is to combine both individual/role-based enrichments and company based enrichments for an email campaign to these contacts. Given that the contacts table has upwards of 5-10 contact rows from the same organization (depending on company), I don't want to run redundant company enrichments in the contact table as-is, since it would consume a lot of redundant credit usage. What is the best method to run enrichments on only the de-duped/unique company domains, but then have the enriched company results populate/be linked with each contact row that matches that company? I think I'm looking for some method of linked tables or similar but am unsure. Thanks!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Here's how to efficiently manage your enrichments to avoid duplicate credit usage:1. Create a separate company table with unique company domains from your contact list. 2. Run company enrichments on this dedicated company table. Each company enrichment will cost 1 credit and provide comprehensive company details. 3. In your contacts table, create a lookup column that links to the enriched company table. This will pull all the enriched company data into your contacts table, connecting each contact with their respective company information.This approach will:** Save credits by eliminating redundant company enrichments ** Create an integrated dataset combining individual and company information * Allow you to refresh company data by simply rerunning the lookup column Sources: Salesforce integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Enrich Company with Companies, People, Jobs Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Automated Outbound] - Clay University

  • Avatar of Seiji C.
    Seiji C.

    This method sounds like what I'm looking for. How do I create the lookup column from within the contacts table and map the key between the contact row company data and the company table company data?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To create a lookup column in your contacts table and link it to your company table:1. Go to the enrichment panel in your contacts table 2. Look for the option called "Lookup Single Row in Other Table" 3. Add this as a new column (it will display with the Clay logo) 4. Once added, you can click on any cell in this column to extract and map the specific company variables you want from your companies table into your contacts tableWhen properly set up, this lookup column will automatically link your companies and people data tables. Whenever you add new company data to your company table, you can simply rerun the lookup in your people table to pull in the updated enriched company data. Sources: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Clay 101] - Clay University Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University

  • Avatar of Seiji C.
    Seiji C.

    This worked perfectly. Thank you!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    That's great! I'm happy to answer more questions if you have them.

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    Hi Seiji C.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:

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    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Salman A.!