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Issue with Find People Search Not Limiting to Provided List


Hello! Not sure if this has been flagged or not but I've run into this problem several times where the "Find People" doesn't follow a search within a provided list. Instead it seems to search everything instead of limiting the search to only the list of companies provided.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The Find People feature should actually limit the search to your specified companies when properly configured. If you're seeing unrelated results, it's likely due to an incorrect setup. When you open Find People from a companies table, it should automatically populate with your selected companies and their corresponding domain/social URLs.To ensure you're searching within the right companies:1. Verify that your companies table is correctly linked 2. Check that the domain/social URLs are properly populated 3. Make sure you've selected the right table and data fields before starting your searchYou can define your search by either building a search query directly in Clay or importing an external list of prospects, and then use the Companies section to specify which companies you want to find people from. Sources: Find People Overview - Clay University Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University

  • Avatar of Tyler C.
    Tyler C.
  • Avatar of Channeled

    When using the Find People feature, it's important to verify your setup to ensure accurate results. If you're not seeing results limited to your intended companies, this could be because:1. The company table and corresponding domain/social URLs may not be properly connected. When you open Find People from a companies table, it should automatically populate with your table data and the corresponding domain/social URLs. 2. If your setup isn't correct, you might be running a search that's completely unrelated to your intended companies.For best results:** Double-check that you've linked the correct table and data fields before starting your search ** Use company social URLs rather than domains when possible, as they typically provide more accurate and comprehensive dataAlso note that while the preview may show a larger number of results, the final import might be smaller due to applied filters and limits. Source: Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

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