how to find company tech stack
We offer multiple ways to discover a company's tech stack through different integrations: 1. Using HG Insights: ā¢ Go to "Get company tech stack" action via Add enrichment ā¢ Select the column with domain name or company ID ā¢ Input specific technologies you want to search for 2. Using BuiltWith: ā¢ Access the "Find Technology Stack" action ā¢ Enter the Company Domain ā¢ Optionally filter by keyword, category, or detection date ā¢ You can also enable auto-update to enrich new rows automatically 3. Using PredictLeads: ā¢ Use the "Find Tech Stack" action ā¢ Enter the company domain ā¢ Optionally filter by: ā¢ Specific technology names ā¢ Technology category ā¢ Last detected dateEach integration offers different insights - BuiltWith analyzes website source code for technologies, while HG Insights can detect "back of house" tools not visible on websites. Sources: HG Insights integration overview | Documentation | Clay University BuiltWith interview | Documentation | Clay University Find Tech Stack with PredictLeads Find Technology Stack with BuiltWith