Hi, is it possible to setup a notification (Slack ideally) for if I get an 'Error' message within a particular column (or the entire table)? Thanks.
You can set up Slack notifications using our "Send Message to Channel" action. Here's how:1. Add a "Send Message to Channel" action to your table
2. Configure the following required settings:
โข Slack Channel: Enter the channel where you want to receive notifications
โข Summary: Create a message using conditional statements to check for errorsFor the error detection, use a conditional statement like:IF({{your_column}} == "Error") THEN "โ ๏ธ Error detected in [column name]"
The notification will include:** Bot name (optional)
** Custom emoji (optional)
** Your error message
** Additional form information if needed
Slack integration overview | Clay University
Send Message to Channel with Slack
Conditional statements | Clay University
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