Hey Team it keeps happening, that "write to table" feature doesn't remember the correct target column and therefore I'm missing data on destination table
This issue typically occurs when there's a misconfiguration in the Write to Table setup. Here's how to resolve it: 1. Double-check your column mapping setup: ā¢ Make sure all columns exist in both source and destination tables ā¢ Verify that the columns are correctly matched ā¢ Confirm no columns have been deleted 2. Follow these steps to reconfigure the integration: ā¢ Select your Clay account ā¢ Choose your destination table ā¢ For column mapping: enter "/" to skip list selection ā¢ Carefully map your source columns to the destination columns ā¢ Configure run settings if neededIf you continue experiencing issues after following these steps, please ask for human support as they can help investigate your specific table configuration. Source: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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