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Efficient Waterfall Setup: Tips for Reducing Email Credits Usage


does someone have an efficient email waterfall set up? It's eating up all my credits to find 0 emails in most cases. I have my own zerobounce. is everyone using apollo or something else? Many many thanks in advance

  • Avatar of Valentin

    it shouldn't eat your credits if it finds 0 emails only scenario I can think of is your list is full of catch-all domains and providers give you emails but Zerobounce consider all catch all as "too risky", could that be it? you can check if that's the case by displaying the (by default hidden) Zerobounce column and check the actual answer If so, switching the validation to something that supports catch-all validation like Findymail could help (I know you have your own ZB account so bummer ๐Ÿคท ) if that's not it then not sure why that is, curious too!

  • Avatar of Simon I.
    Simon I.

    Hi Sona S. Mostly using waterfall email enrichment by clay + zerobounce (in clay) + neverbounce (via API key) + bettercontact if waterfall is unsuccessfull. that way you usually. get 95-98% of the mails and do bounce test 2x

  • Avatar of Daniel K.
    Daniel K.

    Sona S. Can you post this in 02 Support? Happy to look at you case