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Introducing Luke from Eager to Level Up in Claybooks!


Hey Claynation - My name's Luke and I work in business development at, been following Clay for a bit, making some claybooks. Was recently told about this slack community (thanks & hi Joanne L.!) and looking to level up my skills and get in on this community! 🌎 Location: NYC πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ¨ Company / Role: / Enterprise Product Consultant πŸ” Background: Music, Film, Tech - a wide reaching career with a lot of fun ups and a few character building downs, no pain no gain clay-pyramid Clay Goals: Moderate experience with Clay, built a few books, looking to master it! 🌟 Fun Facts: I write music for film! It's time consuming, difficult, and so so rewarding, ask me anything movie/music πŸ”₯ Burning question: What's the most unusual claybook you've built or seen?

  • Avatar of Daniel K.
    Daniel K.

    Welcome Luke L.! Any Claybooks you can share? πŸ™‚ I'd be happy to take a look at them. We share Claybook templates here: One of the templates listed there is: Get Amazon links to a new hire’s favorite snacks. πŸ˜„

  • Avatar of Luke L.
    Luke L.

    Thanks Daniel! Love this snack-focused approach. I'm working on a claybook now that once I get into better shape I'll send your way! Really appreciate the offer

  • Avatar of Daniel K.
    Daniel K.

    No worries, happy to pass it to the team to be considered on the claybooks page πŸ™‚