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Exploring Clay's API for Lead Generation and Company Insights


👋 Hello, team! 🌎 Location: Chicago-US and São Paulo-BR 👩🏻‍🎨 Company / Role: CEO 🔍 Background: International Trade Relations clay-pyramid Clay Goals: Generate Leads and Company information through our software, using Clay as a Source. 🌟 Fun Facts: I´m from Brazil, but I wouldn´t say I like soccer 👀 🔥 Burning question: How to work with Clay, using specific API to our software?

  • Avatar of Anas A.
    Anas A.

    Hey Cezar T. - welcome! For specific APIs, here are some recommendations: •⁠ ⁠Lead Magic •⁠ ⁠Open AI •⁠ ⁠Smartlead API / Instantly •⁠ ⁠⁠Serperev