Can anyone help point me in the right direction? I have List A (prospective clients) and List B (current clients), both with addresses. I want to email List A and mention that one of their nearby competitors (from List B) is already working with us. How can I build a flow that references the closest company geographically from List B to each prospect in List A based on their addresses?
If you already have the addresses for both lists, you can normalize the locations using this guide: Normalize Location with Mapbox. Once you’ve normalized them, you can calculate the distance between companies in List A and List B using Mapbox’s distance tool: Find Distance Between Two Locations with Mapbox. This will help you find the closest competitor (from List B) for each prospect in List A based on their geographical locations. Let me know if you need more help! 😊
hmmm... not sure if this will give me what im looking for. Im not trying to find the distance between 2 specific companies but rather i would like to essentially reach out to List A and and based off of the location it would reference list B to automatically detect the closest company. Is that what mapbox can enable?
Yes, that’s exactly what Mapbox can help you with! 😊 It allows you to find the distance between companies in List A (prospective clients) and List B (current clients), so you can automatically identify the closest company based on their locations. You can set it up by comparing the distance between each company in both lists and selecting the one with the shortest distance. Go ahead and set up both tables (List A and List B), and I’ll be happy to guide you through the next steps! 😄
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