I'm not sure Clay can do this BUT, thought I'd ask! My goal is to find recent news about manufacturing companies. There's thousands upon thousands of manufacturing companies. Instead of pulling this list and enriching it, is there a way to only pull a list of manufacturing companies based on predictleads recent news about them?
the ideal use-case: find me 500 manufacturing companies between 50-500 employees that have been mentioned in google news within the past week.
Hey Andy, thanks for reaching out! While this isn't a feature or source directly right now this would be sweet! Likely expensive, but sweet! I've forwarded this to our team as a point of feedback. In the meantime the workaround would be building a list of ICP companies and determining if they've been mentioned on google news within the past week which could be done using Claygent. :) Let us know if you have any other questions here!
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
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