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Can Clay Help Merge and Dedupe CSV Files of Company Accounts?


I'm looking to merge/dedupe/align three different .csv files of my company's accounts using Clay. I'm not looking to enrich, just looking to find dupes between the three lists and output one clean list. Would Clay be the tool for this use case or should I look elsewhere?

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hey, thanks for reaching out You can definitely use Clay for this! Here’s how to do it: 1. Import the First CSV: Start by uploading your first CSV and mapping the data to the appropriate fields. 2. Activate Auto-Dedupe: Enable the auto-dedupe feature to automatically remove duplicates as you go. Here’s the guide: Auto-Dedupe in Clay. 3. Import the Other CSV Files: Click on “Actions” at the top right, then select Import > CSV to upload the other files and map their data. Clay will handle the deduplication automatically once all the files are imported. Let me know if you need help with any step! 😊

  • Avatar of Tim Z.
    Tim Z.

    Thank you we will check it out!

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    Hi Tim Z.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:

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    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Tim Z.!

  • Avatar of Tim Z.
    Tim Z.

    Bo (. sorry to bother you. I followed the steps mentioned above but am looking for functionality to dedupe on multiple columns. Like if the name matches and the address matches then Dedupe. And also ways to determine which record should be kept vs deduped maybe by created date field?

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    No problem at all! 😊 In this case, you can create a ranking system for each row, using a score or formula column. For example, you can set up a formula that checks if the name and address match, and if they do, it returns “true”. From there, you can filter out or delete those rows that contain “true.” Here’s a helpful guide on using formulas: How to use AI formulas. We don’t yet have built-in functionality for deduping based on multiple columns and determining which record to keep by a specific field (like created date), but this method should work for now. Let me know if you need more help! 😊

  • Avatar of Tim Z.
    Tim Z.

    Thank you Bo (.