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Help Needed: Formatting Text into Columns for Clay Responses


Hi As pr my previous post I am having a hard time getting clay to write my 3 separate answers to the 3 columns I have created for them. I am able to create the 3 sentences in paragraph form but do not know how to split them to the columns. MY settings are below

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Here's how you can split your sentences into separate columns: 1. First, add new columns for each sentence: ā€¢ Hover between existing columns and click "Add Column", or ā€¢ Right-click a column and select "Insert Left" or "Insert Right" to add new columns. 2. Once you have your three columns set up, you can map the specific content you want into each column. You can do this by: ā€¢ Clicking on the cell containing your paragraph ā€¢ Opening the "Cell details" panel on the right ā€¢ Hovering over the specific content you want to use ā€¢ Clicking "Add as column" for each sentenceThis improved data structuring will help you better segment your information and can be useful for downstream workflows. Sources: Introducing Claygent Neon Table columns overview | Documentation | Clay University Insert Column Left, Right

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