Hey team, my "company normalization" column keeps on re-run itself every time I make updates on other columns... Any idea what's happening here?
This is happening because auto-update is enabled on your table. When auto-update is on, your table automatically runs all columns whenever rows are added or edited.To stop the company normalization column from re-running, you can turn off auto-update by:1. Clicking the Auto-update icon at the bottom right of your table 2. Selecting "Turn Off Table"Alternatively, you can configure the company normalization column to run only under specific conditions by using formulas that trigger the column when certain criteria are met. Sources: Clay formatters overview | Documentation | Clay University Configuring your table settings | Documentation | Clay University Auto-update and Auto-dedupe Table
will Clay table run on the cloud if I close the tabs?
Clay tables don't automatically run enrichments on a schedule when you close your tabs. The only exception is for tables with CRM sources, which update through a two-way sync every 24 hours. Source: Can I schedule data enrichments so they re-run on their own? - FAQ | Clay.com
I'm glad I could help! I'm here if you have any more questions.
if I refresh the table, would it interrupt all the columns that are running?
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if I refresh the table, would it interrupt all the columns that are running?
Yes, refreshing the table can interrupt columns that are currently running. When columns are running in a waterfall setup, they process data sequentially, and refreshing the page would disrupt this process. If you need to preserve your data while making changes, it's recommended to wait until the current enrichments are complete before refreshing. Source: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Clay 101] - Clay University
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If I add in filters to change table view, would it interrupt columns that are running?