Hey has anyone got any bright ideas about how to find businesses who use a certain photo platform? My tech waterfall has only found one user in 500 companies, so I don't know if it's just about casting my net wider. It's Fotaflo, and I know that they integrate with certain reservation systems. Any ideas on something I'm not trying yet?
Here are a few strategies to improve your search for Fotaflo users:1. Use Clay's Find Companies search with more targeted parameters: • Start with specific industries where photo platforms are common (like tourism, adventure sports, or entertainment) • Focus on company size and locations where Fotaflo is known to operate • Use relevant keywords in company descriptions 2. Try the lookalike approach: • Use the company you've already identified as a starting point • Set up a lookalike search to find similar businesses that match the profile 3. Consider a multi-step approach: • First create a broader list of companies in relevant industries • Then enrich the data with tech stack information • You may need to use additional enrichment providers or AI web scrapers for tech stack data, as this information isn't available in the initial company search 4. Check for integration partners: • Since Fotaflo integrates with certain reservation systems, try searching for businesses using those specific reservation platforms Sources: Find Company Overview - Clay University Claybooks: Find retail companies with active promotions | Clay.com Find Companies [Clay 101] - Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Thanks. I have tried to use most of those techniques, and have a tool built to scrape for technologies including reservation systems. Seems to be working well for most but haven't been able to find a way to search for this particular company that's working yet. See this table - https://app.clay.com/workspaces/395694/workbooks/wb_pBSTibbcvCEw/tables/t_XR8s6eqPSSv3/views/gv_9Dmv9io22e8p
Hi Nadine, thank you for reaching out. One thing you could try use is Claygent. It will be able to access information online, so if you give it the right places to look at (for example company website or LinkedIn URL) it could help you complete this task. In order to set up a Claygent operator, select "Add Column">"Use AI". https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1276918716/e836627b13ca59b7535c60c4d0d3/CleanShot%2B2024-12-04%2Bat%2B15_31_35-402x.png?expires=1733512500&signature=2ed5a7f4347a25c2479d8cbd5412d39b900c18bd60351f86d0aefbf766b538fc&req=dSIgEMB%2FlYZeX%2FMW1HO4zXMPeyN3dxd0NjOO8RBYh8Zcig%3D%3D%0A Following this, select "Web research (Claygent)" and then, under "Model" select one of the three Claygent options below. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1276918714/de4ecb323c6dfd2fc33931cc1850/CleanShot%2B2024-12-04%2Bat%2B15_32_02-402x.png?expires=1733512500&signature=126c632faaf38ec4b8170f456c7a08a71681a290d849bb6c3212c1ce2aed26da&req=dSIgEMB%2FlYZeXfMW1HO4zb5QBsmt0AqgFAbE7VnbFo8tHg%3D%3D%0A Under "prompt" instruct Claygent what you want it to do. Remember that to input information that is stored in a column, you will have to use /column_name format. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1276918717/5816ce54e4a0a604e95178bb1e0d/CleanShot%2B2024-12-04%2Bat%2B15_32_30-402x.png?expires=1733512500&signature=93ed06d5af98f272fc067e852182a29b7d9aab08076e8f38c01491efabcfc2bd&req=dSIgEMB%2FlYZeXvMW1HO4zfM4pF%2BEAklCHfZLUDWGP6UyJw%3D%3D%0A Once you have created your prompt, press on "Save"> "Save and run 10 rows". This will show you the result for the first ten rows. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1276918715/2356ad927dfedaa944338d4892cc/CleanShot%2B2024-12-04%2Bat%2B15_32_35-402x.png?expires=1733512500&signature=75f69943223092d43a4a7b8a50513d4bb16ad9ea64257c2274fa482495e75147&req=dSIgEMB%2FlYZeXPMW1HO4zdxbbWYfRC%2B8TcgY15Fq0BuOag%3D%3D%0A Let me know if this helps!
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