Hi guys, I need some help, I am sending a string array via webhook, it is being placed correctly in the table, but I get this error and the search does not occur according to the filter either (I am using the same data from the select Industry of the Find Company Lookalikes functionality)
Hey there Rodrigo thanks for reaching out, taking a look at your table I see that for all the rows that are receiving this message, this is because the data values that you are trying to map out to the columns are empty. If you check the screenshot, below you will see there is no data for the Industry and Size data fields which is why the message pops up. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1239410853/be077e0162697ec8ae15f4161637/image.png?expires=1730745900&signature=0c67d69660597d3b41a6444933d6fec16da309ea9bf9c8465728d88c0a2a9d84&req=dSIkH81%2FnYlaWvMW1HO4zXVVY2nSKsNib%2FjP%2FwtdgBek5YYbD6TcSDTqUmqe%0AIilH%0A
Thanks for the feedback, the tests I did were only on lines 129 and 130, could you take a look please?
That's because there's simply no data that was send from the webhooks. Can you confirm you've tried to pass actual data in the exclude industry filters? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1239540529/3ba67e10c96805a0539f751b4c8c/CleanShot+2024-11-04+at+_180oF60IYq%402x.png?expires=1730752200&signature=0d7236a5112c790ffa3668bc602e2a3e5277a97390b51e41ffeff650ed79fc68&req=dSIkH8x6nYRdUPMW1HO4zfnUwFxS3ZDADxjN9PJIC1q4ER7RNRX1EEr5C8QH%0A2Yhm%0A
Line 129, has been sent industry, is in the industry field correctly, but still has the error symbol, I wanted to know what the correct way is
This is happening because it’s not a text column. The column may have been removed or added in another way. I’ve made a video to show you more: Watch here.
thank you very much, you've helped me a lot and thanks for the support
Last help, please, now I pass the formula here, but it doesn't find any more companies, check the last rows of the table that have examples
Yes you can run it without any issues. Here I did it :) Just as a side note, each rows can hold up to 10 results. Not more. This only shows how much it founds but to get the total, you need to use the Lookalike when creating a new table :) https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1239761416/14d75ca163778a30fec997f6ff59/CleanShot+2024-11-04+at+_21crIkkiS9%402x.png?expires=1730765700&signature=734226d4dc25334f08235ec23dadb24c26ede46e8a252500ab835d3dd84b67f8&req=dSIkH854nIVeX%2FMW1HO4zZSiCRandws8Inl690b6xZTQ%2BJndsRhFGGJ89eg6%0A40sS%0A
but then you put the value in manually, it has to take it from the table, the industries when I put in the formula field, it doesn't find any company, see line 137
It sounds like the issue is with the specific industry term used in the input. The industry value is added dynamically, but it’s important to match it accurately. In this case: • Industry Term: For Ferrari, the correct industry term is “Motor Vehicle Manufacturing” rather than “Automotive.” • Solution: Updating the industry term to “Motor Vehicle Manufacturing” should return results, as shown in my tests at the bottom of the table. Let us know if you’d like more guidance on this or if there’s anything else we can help with! https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1240687345/70db7fba074347056dbc6b3ef2bb/CleanShot+2024-11-05+at+_40xvVQvaa9%402x.png?expires=1730825100&signature=6378c2471d63a85fe40dc3936e249e5f76566adeaff9f6d2a5a83284c6727bc8&req=dSIjFs92moJbXPMW1HO4zWoUZwviaR06A5xSlrZEKquZ37eY%2Bfccv%2BunZGB4%0AvHm7%0A
thanks, just ask me one last question, look at line 146, I passed in two types of industry, but it only returned one, does that mean it only found mining or is it only looking for the first one?
https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1240845434/27e95b92e1c7e2f765f39a733181/CleanShot+2024-11-05+at+_49AOhTlcnA%402x.png?expires=1730832300&signature=b540bb211d650e583cff929bbe6fe1d468c38e46dcab62d02b0d80760262f2f4&req=dSIjFsF6mIVcXfMW1HO4zSK%2BXg%2Bc1H9FcElcahXMVQtzO0auWkSHHa6bhJNB%0AQCMR%0A Because those aren't industries :) https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1240845393/0990efa7971484fb9eec4b47134a/CleanShot+2024-11-05+at+_58aWb1vAEo%402x.png?expires=1730832300&signature=0a565dc4105772f0d1634b4090052d59698294cfe47ecc8a5436cbe574178a31&req=dSIjFsF6mIJWWvMW1HO4zRDperICfEgWrK%2Fzo0txtu%2Fk%2Bp4IPHvjk2Dtodb4%0A7Zjv%0A https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1240845373/e1321feb0b968f5c929077bdf40d/CleanShot+2024-11-05+at+_14XaolWdn9%402x.png?expires=1730832300&signature=0a273f29f0145c60d88d7fcd8b186133cf57c3bbc286c68351b353d838f929d9&req=dSIjFsF6mIJYWvMW1HO4zVpkN08FQcHVYMMAeGMeuYLL7Cb%2FlWRd7o3h19ax%0A5T9d%0A
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!
Hi Rodrigo A.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: