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Confusion Over Clay Team's Response on Apollo Email Access


Hi. I am trying to make sense of this response from the Clay team. It somewhat goes against what I have been doing / reading. Background.

  1. 1.

    Table of companies

  2. 2.

    Apollo to enrich (find people at company by job title)

  3. 3.

    wrote contacts to a new table

  4. 4.

The response from Clay - which doesn't make sense to me. Apollo’s API was designed so that when you search for people, a person’s email address wasn’t added to the response unless you had previously saved them as a contact to your Apollo account, by using Apollo credits. Unfortunately, there’s nothing Clay can do to retrieve the email without you saving the contact or using the Enrich Person (Apollo) integration moving forward.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    This is due to Apollo's API design. When using the "Find People at Company" function, Apollo won't include email addresses in the response unless you've previously saved the contacts using Apollo credits. To properly retrieve email addresses, you'll need to follow this process: 1. Use "Find People at Company By Job Title" to identify the right people 2. Write the results to a new table using the "write each item to new row in other table" function 3. In the new table, use the "Enrich Person From Apollo" function (make sure to map all necessary columns except email) 4. After enrichment, the email addresses will be included in the response Source: [FAQ: Why am I seeing in Apollo?](

  • Avatar of Channeled

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