Working with Twain in Clay and getting this error:
TEXT_TOO_LONG: String should have at most 1000 characters
When you encounter this error, it means your input text exceeds Twain's 1000-character limit. To resolve this, try these approaches:1. Break down your input text into shorter segments, focusing on the most relevant information for each field (Prospect Information, Trigger/Signal, Problem Statement, etc.). 2. Be more concise with your inputs, particularly in optional fields like: โข Prospect Information โข Trigger/Signal โข Problem Statement โข Solution Description โข Additional InstructionsIf you need to maintain specific formatting in your text, you can use Clay's formula feature to help manage and format your text before sending it to Twain. Sources: Twain integration overview | Clay University FAQ: How can I format my text with line breaks and paragraphs before sending it to my email sequencer?
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