I'm running into 'failed to import more companies' on a company search. its a super broad list, not sure what im doing wrong. appreciate the assist
i must be doing something stupid...
👋 Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hey David, Thanks for reaching out! Quick question—did you recently delete any data in this table? Was there anything that might have gone wrong? I’ve gone ahead and filed a bug report after trying to create a duplicate of the table to see if it would work. I’ll update you as soon as I hear back from our engineers. It looks like we’ve got a bug on our hands, but we’re on it! 😊
i didn't delete anything except maybe a blank text column that i didnt end up using. i was thinking it was a bug, so that helps me feel less stupid 🙃
Thanks Bo!
Hey David, that makes sense! I just followed up again and will see what I can do to speed things up a bit. Sorry about the delay, and I appreciate your patience!
Hey David, I just checked the table, and while I haven’t heard back from the team yet, it looks like the issue might have been resolved as part of other fixes. I was able to add more companies myself. Could you try again on your end? Here’s the table: Table Link. Let me know how it goes! 😊
super weird- i was experiencing the issue on every table. but on the table you linked, it did populate more companies when prompted. but on the above table, it persists.
even weirder...look at what im getting on this table when attempting to add more co's - this might be helpful for you guys on the back end
theres only 106 rows on this table
I tried again, and you’re right. For now, I recommend increasing the number of companies you’re searching for on new searches while our team checks on the issue. I’ve already notified them that it’s still happening. In the meantime, you can start a new search with a higher number to avoid getting blocked. Also, I’ve refreshed your credits and added 10k, so you can continue working without interruptions. Let me know if you need anything else! 😊
Hey David! Thanks so much for your patience 😊. I know the process took a bit longer than expected, but the good news is everything seems to be working smoothly now. I also went ahead and ran some tests in your workspace, and it all looks great on my end. Here’s the table I tested: Tested Table. Please feel free to reach out if you need anything else!
still not working
Okay, checking with the engineers again! I’ll follow up as soon as I hear back from them. Have you been able to proceed with your searches in the meantime?
things might be behaving...im looking now
Ok keep us posted :)
Hi David, Great news! The bug has been fully resolved, and we’ve confirmed that it’s no longer occurring. Additionally, we’ve made some changes to the internal database and ran a few tests to ensure everything is working smoothly. I’ll go ahead and close this out, but please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything else we can assist you with! Thank you again for your patience 😊
Thanks! We've reopened this thread. You can continue to add more detail directly in this thread.
ope, sorry guys. i was running into a different error but now it seems like it was just delayed. will circle back.
Hey David - Sorry can you clarify?
i went to add more companies to the company search on a table that had 840 companies on it, and when i did, it said 'successfully added 840 more companies' but nothing net new populated. then, in a different company table with only 100 companies listed, i added 1000 more, and at first it said 'sucessfully added 100 more companies'. i was like crap. then about 60 seconds later i refreshed the page and it had successfully added the extra 1000. it just displayed incorrectly