Hi, what's the fastest way and cheapest way to get toolstack information of a "Current Company" of someone's Linkedin URL? The data points we have apart from first + last name are Linkedin URL and work email. However, the work email data point is NOT correct always because it may be outdated or it might be non-existent in some rows. So I guess Linkedin URL is the primary data point. This is our clay table: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/83295/tables/t_793Du9oUnCdU/views/gv_WJiS2wwqaQoQ
Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Using the LinkedIn URL is the most reliable way to get up-to-date toolstack information. I’ve recorded a quick video to walk you through the steps: Watch here. For best results, you can use the “Enrich Person from Profile” feature, which should pull the most accurate data. Claygent can also help here, as shown in the video. Let me know if you need further help with this!
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