I have created a workbook with two tables:
Imported Companies from HubSpot
Found Contacts using Clay.
Action: Sent contacts to HubSpot Query: I want to associate Contacts to Companies by using Company ID from Table 1, to Contact ID from Table 2. However, I am not able to fetch the record ID from the Company table while trying to associate from within Contacts table. Please help! Here's a link to the workbook: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/417882/workbooks/wb_jYFJYxXcaZoJ/tables/t_qEoygHVtVANm/views/gv_WfHEWKqy84Gi
You can link your contacts to companies using the "Lookup Single Row in Other Table" feature in Clay. Since your companies and people data tables are automatically linked within the same workbook, you can establish these connections easily.Here's how to do it:1. In your Contacts table, locate the enrichment panel 2. Find the "Lookup Single Row in Other Table" option 3. Click on the cells you want to link 4. Select the corresponding variables you want to pull from your companies tableIf you specifically need to work with HubSpot IDs, you can use the Hubspot Lookup Object action:1. Select your Hubspot account 2. Set "Contact" as From Object Type and "Company" as To Object Type 3. Use the Contact ID in the "From Object ID" field Sources: Hubspot integration overview | Clay University Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hi Gagandeep, thanks for reaching out. Taking a look at this now!
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