Hi, im getting this error when i try adjust any table source?? be it Hubspot / phantom etc??
Without seeing the specific error message, I can guide you through some common troubleshooting steps for table source adjustments:For HubSpot sources:1. Make sure you've selected the correct HubSpot account in the Source panel 2. Verify that the data types in your Clay table match the corresponding field types in HubSpot 3. Check that you have the necessary permissions to access the properties you're trying to importFor PhantomBuster sources:1. Confirm you've properly specified the Agent ID 2. Verify your PhantomBuster account connection 3. Check if you're using the correct container settings (latest or specific container ID)If you continue experiencing issues, please share the specific error message you're seeing so we can provide more targeted assistance. Sources: Hubspot integration overview | Clay University Phantombuster integration overview | Clay University
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