Hi guys, not sure if this is the place . is it possible to do enrichment that will split the data into multiple rows? for example i have a column with company name. now i want to enrich the data will all the company domains(company should have more then one domain) and i want it in separate rows(can also be nested rows if there is something like that)
https://app.clay.com/workspaces/224662/tables/t_KNgRHUg5NURn/views/gv_n6gU6DWsxZQD this is the table i created. now i want to add another column that will return the list of domain owned by each company. but each domain should be a row as i would want to enrich each domain with the ammount of monthly visits
will be happy to get any help here thanks!
Hey, thanks for reaching out, sorry for the delay! Taking a look
Hey Yaniv! Do you have a column where you already have a list of the links? If so, you can use our Write to table integration to extract a list of results into their own rows in a new table, here's a quick video: https://www.loom.com/share/1ca2b46aba4843138613cc1e0917de84?sid=d3580bba-251c-4b35-b8c1-afeaa31c9225