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Troubleshooting CSV Import Errors: Connection Issues or File Size?


Hi Guys I'm having persistent issues trying to import from a CSV. The file i am uploading has 764 rows and i'm getting the attached error. If i upload the same file with only 4 rows (as a test) it uploads with no problems. It seems that there are issues with my connection, but I have a very fast, uninterrupted connection here (approx. 600/600Mbps with good latency). I have also tried with different browsers and also in incognito mode. Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks in advance

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Based on your description, it appears the issue isn't related to your internet connection. While Clay supports CSV imports, there are some limitations to consider when working with bulk uploads at high volumes. The system has certain restrictions on processing large CSV files to ensure optimal performance.To work around this, you could try: 1. Splitting your 764-row CSV file into smaller chunks (since you mentioned 4 rows worked successfully) 2. Importing these smaller files separately into the same tableIf you continue experiencing issues after trying these steps, you should request help from a human agent as they can better diagnose any technical problems with your specific file. Source: Table management settings | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Looks like you're still looking for help. If you’re dealing with a specific table, drop the URL below so we can help you quicker. Otherwise, someone from our team will be in touch soon!

  • Avatar of Matthew H.
    Matthew H.

    Upon further investigation, I have tethered to my cell phone for the connection, which is a much slower and the file has uploaded successfully. Any suggestions on why this may be?

  • Avatar of Owen C.
    Owen C.

    Hey Matthew, thanks for reaching out. If you're having trouble uploading a CSV file to Clay, here are a few things to check: 1. Ensure the file is UTF-8 encoded, with comma-separated values, and within the limit of 72 columns and 50,000 rows. 2. Remove any 'created at' or 'updated at' columns. 3. Upload the CSV to Google Sheets, then export it back as a CSV to clean up any hidden formatting issues. If the issue persists, feel free to share the Google Sheet with me, and I'll take a look! I hope this helps! Try these quick fixes first, and if none work, don’t hesitate to reach out again, we’ll dig deeper! :)

  • Avatar of Matthew H.
    Matthew H.

    Thanks Owen, but it seems to be due to the file size. If I delete a large bulk of rows it uploads successfully. Also, if I change to another Internet connection (via my cell phone) it works. Seems like my main connection is causing the problems

  • Avatar of Owen C.
    Owen C.

    Ah got it! In that case the connection could play a role here. Is there anything I can assist with or help out with in that case?

  • Avatar of Matthew H.
    Matthew H.

    Any idea why this could be happening? I have raised a case with my provider but I'm preparing for the worst. I have a very fast connection but and the only issue I have is with the CSV upload.

  • Avatar of Owen C.
    Owen C.

    Interesting. A spreadsheet with ~750 rows shouldn't be too large either as we've users who will import much more data. One thing you could try is uploading this CSV into a Google Sheet, then re-exporting the file from Google Sheets as a CSV and try importing this newly created CSV. Have seen this work in the past and it's worth a shot! Would give this a try and see if this resolves the issue. Let me know how it goes!

  • Avatar of Matthew H.
    Matthew H.

    Thanks Owen Yes, I tried that also. It seems that it is not the format of the file that is the issue, but the connection. I can upload the full file when connected using my cell phone tethered connection. I'll check with my ISP.

  • Avatar of Owen C.
    Owen C.

    Gotcha, I'd double check with your ISP and let us know as there's not much we can do on our end unfortunately. :( Let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here.If you still need some help, just reply back here and someone from our team will be in touch!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hi Matthew H.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Matthew H.!