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Easily Update Your CSV with New Column for Existing Contacts


if you have a new collumn to a CSV file becasue you added something external. how can you in an easy way upload the same CSV file to a table where all contacts extists and only ad that collumn and it would match it with the correct row, even if only half has the new collumn details?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To add a new column to an existing table with a CSV file: 1. Open your existing table 2. Click Actions > Import 3. Upload your CSV file by clicking Browse Files or dragging it into the upload area 4. Select "Add to current table" and click Continue 5. Select the new column you want to add 6. Click "Add to table"The system will automatically match the data with the correct rows in your existing table. Any rows that don't have data for the new column will simply remain empty, while the rows that do have the new information will be updated accordingly. Sources: How to import your CSV into Clay - Clay University Import a File

  • Avatar of Channeled

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