I have made a list of opportunities in Salesforce (literally all opportunities) and I can't get it to surface in the list of SF lists, to bring into Clay. It has between 30-90k records, so I know it needs to be SOQL-compatible, and I think it is, but I can't be sure. It's not a complex list it's got 1 filter and it's a public view. Help!!!
To import your Salesforce opportunities list into Clay, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Source panel: โข For a new table: Click "+ Create new" from your Workspace Home โข For an existing table: Open the table and select "Actions > Import" 2. Search for "Salesforce" in the source panel 3. Select your Salesforce account 4. In the configuration: โข Choose "Opportunity" as your Salesforce Object โข Select your public view from the List View dropdownSince your list is SOQL-compatible, you won't be limited to the 2,000 record restriction, and you'll be able to import all 30-90k records. Sources: Salesforce Records with Salesforce Salesforce integration overview | Documentation | Clay University New at Clay | Clay.com
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