Yes, we can help you identify the email provider type. Our email analysis can detect if an email address is associated with:ā¢ Gmailā¢ Hotmailā¢ Yahooā¢ iCloudā¢ Protonā¢ YandexAdditionally, we can determine if the email is likely to be:ā¢ A personal emailā¢ A company emailā¢ An education email
Source:Identify Email Type and Extract Company Domain from Email with Clay
We can help you identify the email provider type for any email address. Our system will tell you if an email is from:ā¢ Gmailā¢ Hotmailā¢ Yahooā¢ iCloudā¢ Protonā¢ YandexAdditionally, we'll indicate whether the email is likely to be:ā¢ A personal emailā¢ A company emailā¢ An education email
Source:Identify Email Type and Extract Company Domain from Email with Clay