any way to retry errors on columns before other columns run automatically? I'm finding that I have to go back and re-run a fair few columns manually right now
you could include run conditions, so the following column only runs if the previous one was successfully run
I have those already, but when a few rows error, I'm having to re-run those manually to continue the flow if that makes sense? - I've switched off the auto-run on columns for this specific table for now, is the normal behavior if I enabled that back on, for the errored rows in column 1 to retry themselves before moving on to column 2? Or would the enrichments continue to column 2 even if there is an error in column 1 for the row
i think wether the enrichments continue to column 2 even if there are errors on column 1 depens on the run conditions of column 2 and if it depens on column 1. normally column 2 should run if auto-run enabled even though there is an error in column 1. (if no run conditions/dependancy)
Hey there Nick Sorry for the delay thanks for reaching out.
So if you are looking to just retrying the errors in columns, if you click on the play button in the column header of those columns an option to "Run all rows that haven't run or have errors" will pop up. You can use this retry any errors you have and if you don't want to trigger a number of columns to run automatically turning off the table is useful for this.