I have seen a few videos showing a "find people on linkedin" option when creating a new table. I do not have this function, i am on a trial though. has it been removed?
The "Find People" feature is still available and has actually been recently upgraded. All plans, including the free trial, have access to this feature with different profile search limits: ** Free plan: 2,500 profiles ** Starter plan: 5,000 profiles ** Explorer plan: 25,000 profiles ** Pro plan: 50,000 profilesTo use this feature, you can go to "Add Table" > select "Find People". The search allows you to filter by job titles, experience, and even exclude people from other tables. Sources: Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University Increases in Clay's Find People Searches New at Clay | Clay.com
this feature is more limited in search criteria. Is there no longer an option to "search people using linkedin"?
Clay now provides LinkedIn data through third-party providers. You can still search LinkedIn profiles in two ways: 1. Using Sales Navigator: You can import Sales Navigator searches by pasting your Sales Navigator search URL in the Find People Search (Method Filter > External List > Query section). This allows you to import up to 2,500 results per Sales Navigator Source. 2. Using Google Search: Clay can enrich person data by using Google Search to locate LinkedIn profiles. This method connects Companies, People, and Jobs data with Clay's enrichment capabilities.Each method has its own credit costs - Sales Navigator imports cost 1 credit per result, while Google Search enrichment costs 2 credits. Source: Find & Enrich Person from Google Search with Companies, People, Jobs
thank you
You're welcome! I'm here if you need any further assistance.