when using the Look up multiple rows features - is there a way to look up rows created on a certain date?
Yes, you can look up rows created on a specific date using filters. Here's how: 1. Click the filters button at the top of your table 2. Click "+ Add filter" 3. Select "Created at" from the dropdown 4. Choose the "equal to" operator 5. Enter your target date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"For example, to find records created on January 1, 2024, you would set: ** Where: Created At ** Operator: equal to ** Value: 2024-01-01You can also use other date comparison operators like: ** Greater than (> ) for dates after ** Less than (<) for dates before ** Greater than or equal to (> =) for dates on or after * Less than or equal to (<=) for dates on or before Sources: <https://www.clay.com/university/guide/comparison-operators|Comparison operators | Documentation | Clay University> Customize your table view | Documentation | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hi Miguel, thanks for reaching out! There isn’t a direct way to do this, but we can use a workaround. First, in the table you are pulling data from, create a new column with a formula that checks if the row was created on your desired date. If it was, have the column return “Match,” otherwise, leave it blank. Next, in the table where you want to perform the lookup, add a new column that simply contains “Match” for all rows. Now, when you perform the lookup, match on this new column. Since only rows from the first table created on the specific date will have “Match,” the lookup will return only those values, filtering out everything else. This ensures you only get data from the rows created on the chosen date.
understood - but will i be able to auto run that new column to update on a daily basis? or would i have to manually go to each table that i'm pulling from and run the column formula each day?
I believe that as we are using formulas, every time a new row is added, the fomula will run automatically.
instead of doing this on the table i'm pulling data form couldn't i just create a formula on my lookup table to only count the number of records with a created date of today?
also is there a way to use an OR operator in the row value to look for values that match any of the two values i'm looking for? i tried it and it didn't work but maybe i'm doing some thing wrong? is it possible?
Hey! No, you can't do those operations directly in the table since each row runs independently. The better approach is to use formulas that Stefano suggested. First create a tag column using formulas to match your requirements, then reference that in your other table. This gives you way more flexibility than trying to do complex logic in the lookup itself. You can add all the logic (OR, AND, etc) to it. Want me to help you structure the formula to get what you're looking for?
Hey! Yep, that approach works too! If it's getting you the results you need, stick with it. I can't check out your specific table setup since there's no URL shared, but both approaches will get you there. Need any other help?
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