Understanding Dedupe Methods: Headline vs. Enrichment Comparisons
Q1: Can somebody tell me how this dedupe is working - I can dedupe the whole table (next to the headline) and also I can use the enrichment: Normalize and Deduplicate a List - what is the difference? And in one case I am also filtering double place-ids - what deduping should I use - from the headline or from the enrichment? Q2: When I want to include data from Outscraper via a Webhook. Should I include this directly into the table where I also enrich the whole data or should I include this in a separate table to clean the data their first, filter out useless data (f.e. listings where the address field is empty) and then include it in the correct table for enrichment. If the workflow should be like this how can I pull data from a cleaned table to another table in Clay? (Because when I filter everything in one table also the whole enrichment is running - I would need to adapt the run settings - I think for now I would be more convenient when there are different tables - one table for enrichment one table for pulling the data in via a webhook). Table I want to use for enrichment: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/258233/tables/t_G4HTCm3TKSAN/views/gv_uJXswk7hpfto