Experiencing slow load times for rows when duplicating a table. Table being duplicated isn't that big (15 columns, 109 rows) and doesn't contain any enrichments. Have waited ~10 minutes multiple times and still no rows appear... any ideas?
👋 Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hi Ryan, thanks for reaching out. Can you share the URL to the table you're having trouble with duplicating?
Hey Bruno, you bet - it's within a workbook (don't know if that'd be cause for challenge) (https://app.clay.com/workspaces/110221/workbooks/wb_RqH6JEpkWk6A/tables/t_baqdGidPd8AX/views/gv_GFjPAk425whe)
Thanks for the additional context, Ryan. I tested the duplication, and it seems to work as expected on my end. For clarity: when duplicating Clay tables, only the workflow (column configuration) is duplicated. To use it with other leads and transfer sources and content, you’ll need to export the original table as a CSV and import it into the duplicated template. I hope this helps! Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with.
ahhh gotcha - thanks!
Happy to help here! Let me know if I can support you with anything else Ryan.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!