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Troubleshooting Connection Issues with 4o and API Keys


Hi team, I keep getting this issue. I am not able to connect my 4o or 4o-mini What do I do? I have the account with 2000 credits per month. Like I’m having issues with other api keys as well. Any help is appreciated 🤝 🤝

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To resolve connection issues, follow these steps:1. Go to Settings > Connections > Add Connection to check and manage your account connections. 2. If you're experiencing API key issues: • Navigate to Settings > Connections • Search for your Clay API key • Verify that the API key is properly configured and connectedIf you continue experiencing issues after following these steps, please ask for human support in this conversation for further assistance. Source: Connect an Account

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hi Shashank C.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Thanks! We've reopened this thread. You can continue to add more detail directly in this thread.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!

  • Avatar of Shashank C.
    Shashank C.

    i added a new project to my open ai account and then created an api key pasted that api key and still not working i get the same error

  • Avatar of Shashank C.
    Shashank C.

    Still having the same problem

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hey, thanks for reaching out Shashank - That means you're on the Free version of the API and don't have access to it. There's nothing we can do to help here. You'll need to go to OpenAI API and add pre-paid amount so you can get cleared. You can check your current tier, as well as your usage and limits, in the OpenAI dashboard under: • UsageLimitsUsage Tiers We’ve seen users successfully add a pre-paid tier amount to their OpenAI account and resolve the issue. However, since this is outside our control, we recommend troubleshooting directly with OpenAI’s team. Let me know if you need any further assistance! 😊

  • Avatar of Shashank C.

    Hey Bo thank you Now they’re telling me there’s some rate limit? I know it’s not a clay issue but if you could point me in the right direction I’d very much appreciate that

  • Avatar of Stefano

    Hi Shashank, thanks for reaching out. To resolve this issue, you'll need to contact OpenAI's help center and inquire about the steps to upgrade your plan. Once your plan is upgraded, we'll be happy to assist you with setting everything up on Clay! :)

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.

  • Avatar of Shashank C.
    Shashank C.

    I’m good for now thank you

  • Avatar of Stefano

    Ok. I will be closing this ticket. If you need any more assistance, feel free to reach out again. Happy Friday!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hi Shashank C.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Shashank C.!