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Sorting Companies in Clay: Count Unique Entries from CSV Import


I imported a CSV to Clay from Builtwith. Is there a way to sort by company and only have them show once (but not lose all contact data for employees etc). I just want to get a count of how many companies I have

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Yes, you can manage this in two steps:1. First, normalize your company names using our cleaning tool to ensure consistent company naming: ā€¢ Go to the enrichment panel's "Tools" section ā€¢ Select "Normalize Company Names" ā€¢ Choose your company name column ā€¢ Run the action across your rows 2. Then, you can use the Lookup Multiple Rows integration to count the number of prospects per company. This will allow you to: ā€¢ Scan a column for the company's identifying information (like domain, name, or LinkedIn URL) ā€¢ Count how many cells exist with matching values ā€¢ Keep all your contact data while getting an accurate company countThis approach will help clean up inconsistent company names (like removing suffixes such as "Inc." or "Ltd.") while maintaining all your employee data. Sources: Data Cleaning + Normalization [Clay 101] - Clay University Data Cleaning + Normalization [Automated Inbound] - Clay University

  • Avatar of Nadine B.
    Nadine B.

    That lets me know how many prospects I have per company. How does that help me to get a company count?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    You can use the Lookup Multiple Rows integration to count unique companies in your table. Here's how:1. First, identify which column contains your company identifier (like company name, domain, or LinkedIn URL) 2. Use the Lookup Multiple Rows integration to: ā€¢ Scan your chosen company identifier column ā€¢ Count how many unique values existThis will give you the total number of unique companies in your dataset while preserving all your contact data.

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