Hi, is there a way to remove the company (or filter out) after adding the people? Because whenever I want to add new people, it keeps adding new people from companies that I already reached out. Also, I have a list of 900+ companies, and I can never add more than 50 people at once, it sucks because then I need to manually re-add my filters, as you can’t save your “find people” requirements/filters.
Here's how you can manage your people search in Clay: 1. To exclude companies after adding people: • Use the "Exclude People" section in Find People • Select the table containing your previous search results to avoid duplicate profiles 2. Regarding saving filters and search parameters: • While you can edit your search source after importing, note that already imported results won't change • You can access your previous search by clicking on the "Imported Profiles" column > Sources > Last Search 3. For managing search results: • Use the "Limit Results" feature to control the number of records • Set both overall record limits and per-company limits to manage your results effectivelyBest practice: Preview your results before importing and iterate your search parameters until you get the desired outcome. This helps avoid having to redo searches later. Sources: Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University
Yea, pretty generic, I already did all this. And the exlude people only works for the people I already added, that’s cool, but it still doesn’t change the fact that more people from the same company are added. There must be a way to avoid thar
You can control the number of people added from each company by using the "Limit Results" feature in the Find People search: 1. When setting up your search, look for the "Limit Results" option 2. Set a "per-company limit" to restrict how many profiles you can import from each company 3. You can also set an overall record limit to manage your total resultsMake sure to preview your results before importing to verify the distribution of profiles across companies. Source: Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey there Ismael thanks for reaching out, do you mind sending the link (url) to the table so we can take a look? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1347419411/65baf32e1d2a789ffba395c6d35c/CleanShot+2025-01-22+at+_42I1FzxXHf%402x.png?expires=1738028700&signature=4cb52bd1e0a621abf6b47f92a1b7a0f4fe71879ed691b42e52a4a84e7f39a600&req=dSMjEc1%2FlIVeWPMW1HO4zVws4pk3D1yvgvYjA82bedAWYg%3D%3D%0A
Hi, thank you!
Hey there Ismael mad e a loom for you explaining how we can do this. https://www.loom.com/share/a417b85d4632408b908d670ace692510?sid=705f58ae-9114-4a15-a4a8-9c49f02d5389
Oh that’s exactly what I was looking folr.
And on that, I was wondering:
Does the view auto-updates as I add more leads? Like will the companies automatically be removed from the view as I find people?
Also, is it possible to have a column dedicated to find people from companies and automatically adding those people to the “people table”? For example, I could run all the rows that haven’t been ran and extract 3 people per company. This would be a lot faster than doing the “find people from these companies” action, and adding all the filters manually every time
Hey Ismael! 1. Yes - the view updates automatically. Just refresh the table to see the changes in real-time when leads are added or conditions change. 2. Absolutely possible to automate finding people from companies. Here's how: - Create a "find people" search. This will generate a new column > in the settings of that column select auto-update OR - Go in the enrichment panel (top right "add enrichment" button) - Pick "find contacts at company" - Choose "save in this table" - Add "write to Other table" action to send values to your people table Let me know if you have any issues ! :)
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!
Hi, just had time to add those changes to my Clay table, and the find contacts at company enrichment doesn’t work
Hey Ismael! I checked our backend and everything's running fine there. Could you clarify what's not working? I see you've canceled the run, but I'd like to know if you're not seeing expected results or facing a different issue. Let me know what you're seeing and I'll help track down the problem!
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