Howdy folks - if I build a table with some custom logic (e.g. let’s say I add in some job titles) in these fields, is there a way to access my logic again after the table is created?
You can access and modify your custom logic after creating a table in two ways: 1. For column formulas: • Click on the header of the column you want to review • Select "Edit column" from the dropdown • Click on the gear icon to access the formula settings 2. For source configurations: • Click on the Source Column to open the Source column menu • Select "Sources" from the menu • Click on the source you want to review • Click "Edit source" in the panel that opens on the right • Here you can view and modify your search criteria, filters, and other configurations Sources: Table columns overview | Documentation | Clay University Table sources overview | Documentation | Clay University
Great to hear that! Let me know if you have any other questions.
You're welcome! Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.