What's the best practice to look for companies that've recently launched new features/products? To pull in these companies as sources
You can use two main approaches to track companies with recent product/feature launches: 1. Use our Owler integration to get company updates: ā¢ Enter the company domain ā¢ Filter for specific update categories ā¢ Get up to 20 of the most recent updates, including news and product releases 2. Use our RSS Feed tracking capability to: ā¢ Pull in relevant news articles based on your search query ā¢ Extract and enrich the mentioned businesses ā¢ Find company information and contactsThese methods will help you stay updated on companies launching new features or products while automatically enriching the data within Clay. Sources: Find Company Updates with Owler Track new business locations, funding announcements, acquisitions and intent data by puling information from RSS Feed | Clay
so Owler is good for tracking a list of companies and RSS is good for general public news?
Yes, that's correct!Owler is ideal for tracking specific companies since you can: ** Enter company domains to get their updates ** Filter for specific categories of updates (like news, press releases, funding, acquisitions, etc.) ** Get up to 20 of their most recent updates, sorted chronologicallyRSS Feed tracking is better for broader news monitoring as it allows you to: ** Pull in news articles based on your search queries ** Extract businesses mentioned in those articles ** Find company information from the general news coverage Sources: Find Company Updates with Owler Track new business locations, funding announcements, acquisitions and intent data by puling information from RSS Feed | Clay
can I automate the updates with RSS in Clay?
Yes! When you set up an RSS feed in Clay, the data automatically updates every hour. Here's how it works: 1. Add RSS Feed as a source to your Clay table 2. Enter the Feed URL you want to track 3. The feed items will be automatically imported into individual rowsThe feed size should not exceed 2MB for optimal performance.This automation makes it easy to stay up to date with your favorite websites, blogs, or online magazines. You can use this feature for various purposes like: ** Using AI to write summaries ** Filtering articles relevant to specific topics/trends * Getting content updates delivered in real-time Sources: RSS feed integration overview | Documentation | Clay University New at Clay | Clay.com Fetch RSS Feed Items with RSS Feeds
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