Hi! How do I export a single checkbox = true field to HubSpot? It does not give me the option to map a column. I am trying to map the no longer at firm? column to the no longer at firm field, to check the box if the value is true https://app.clay.com/workspaces/339088/workbooks/wb_mAyEYhRCJYUh/tables/t_nHV2vDYYJBqf/views/gv_fkTRs8MGX9b7
To map a checkbox field from Clay to HubSpot, follow these steps:1. When setting up your HubSpot export, ensure the data type in your Clay table matches the corresponding field type in HubSpot. For checkbox/boolean fields, the values should be true/false. 2. During the mapping process: โข Select your HubSpot account โข Choose the object type you want to update โข Map your "no longer at firm?" column to the corresponding HubSpot field โข Make sure the data types align to avoid export errors 3. Run a small test export first to verify that the boolean/checkbox values are mapping correctly to your HubSpot fields.If you're still experiencing issues with the field mapping, double-check the field types in your HubSpot CRM to ensure they're compatible with the data you're trying to export. Source: Hubspot integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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