Hey guys, Do we suddenly need to upgrade to explorer plan in order to use smartlead integration? This didn’t exist before and a heads up would’ve been a good thing but here we are
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Guys, it’s not even cancelling. I click on cancel and it doesn’t cancel! Can you guys help or is this some lock in thing?
Yes, the integration with SmartLead requires an Explorer plan or above. Sorry about the confusion, happy to give you an additional month with the SmartLead integration. Just to clarify, do you want to downgrade or cancel your subscription? Heads up if you cancel your plan: 1. Your extra credits will carry over to the next month and cannot be refunded. 2. Your plan will remain active until the end of the billing cycle before any changes or cancellations take effect. 3. If you cancel, your credit balance will be capped at 2x the monthly limit of your new plan after the current billing cycle ends.
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