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Setting Up Multiple Campaigns in One Table with Clay and Smartlead


Hey guys, im trying to setup a campaign with clay and smartlead Would you guys know how to do multiple campaigns in one table? If for example one cell has an output of True, I want it to update a lead for a different smartlead campaign And I want to make sure that smartlead doesn't send blank emails when clay didn't update a lead on smartlead's campaign (since there are two campaigns in one table.)

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    To set up multiple campaigns in one table with Clay and SmartLead, here's how you can structure it:1. First, set up your campaigns in SmartLead before connecting them to Clay. 2. In your Clay table, you can use conditional run statements in the SmartLead integration settings to control when leads are sent to different campaigns: โ€ข Add separate SmartLead integrations for each campaign โ€ข Configure the "Conditional run statements" in Step 5 of each integration to trigger based on your specific conditions (like when a cell is "True") 3. For each SmartLead integration in your table: โ€ข Select the specific campaign you want to push leads to โ€ข Input the required lead email and fields โ€ข Add any custom fields needed for personalization โ€ข Enable Auto-update if you're running trigger campaignsTo prevent blank emails, make sure to properly map your variables between Clay and SmartLead using custom fields. These should match exactly with the variables you set in your SmartLead campaign (like "subject_line" and "email_body"). Sources: Smartlead integration overview | Clay University Personalized Direct Email Campaigns Step-By-Step Walkthrough with SmartLead [Automated Outbound] - Clay University

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