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Broken Bonus Credits for Referral and Affiliate Processes


Bonus credits for both referral and affiliate processes are broken. I referred somebody and don't see the referral in my dashboard, and the 3,000 credits for both are missing. A client signed up using my affiliate link, and I don't see 3,000 credits in their account either. Can somebody check this please?

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.
  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    You and the individual you referred will only receive the 3k credits when they sign up for a paid plan - has the person you referred done this yet?

  • Avatar of Amit S.
    Amit S.

    Okay, makes sense about the referral. What about the affiliate signup? They have to buy a paid plan too for them to get 3,000 credits?

  • Avatar of Amit S.
    Amit S.

    Hi Anjali D. any update?

  • Avatar of Anjali D.
    Anjali D.

    that’s correct, Amit S.

  • Avatar of Anjali D.
    Anjali D.

    they’ll need to buy a paid plan to receive the 3k credits