What's the most efficient way to create a column that just says the month two months from now? So right now it would read "February"
Here's how to create a column with the month name you need: 1. Click "Add Column" > "Add Column using AI" 2. Once in the date formatter: โข Input your date (you can use a formula to get current date + 2 months) โข Select your desired format for displaying the month name โข Optionally, you can specify: โข Timezone settings โข Locale (if you want the month name in a different language)The formatter will automatically update the date/time values for new rows in your table. Sources: Clay Formatters Overview - Clay University Add Column Using AI & Add New Rows Format Date/Time with Clay Formatters
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Hi Julien, thanks for reaching out. Taking a look at this now!
You can use this javascript formula: moment().add(2, 'months').format('YYYY-MM-DD') - which will allow you to add a set amount of month to your current date, you can edit the number to increase or decrease the number of months you want to offset the column from today's date.
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