Hi, I am just on trial with Clay — checking things out. I have some repos on GitHub. I wanted to enrich a table with the “stargazers” on those repos. So the table is already populated with the stargazers from a particular repo, but when I went to enrich it with LinkedIn profile URLs, nothing happened. The columns are created, but they are blank. Is there a method to just get the LinkedIn URL from the stargazer?
To successfully enrich GitHub stargazers with LinkedIn profile URLs, you need to ensure you're following the correct enrichment process: 1. First, make sure you have valid input data for the enrichment: • You need either social URLs (including GitHub URLs) or email addresses of the stargazers 2. When setting up the enrichment: • Use Clay's reverse waterfall enrichment on any available emails to find LinkedIn profile URLs • Then use the found LinkedIn URLs to enrich additional personal dataImportant: When using LinkedIn URLs as input, make sure they are complete URLs including 'https://' (e.g., https://www.linkedin.com/in/username/). Note that LinkedIn Sales Navigator links are not supported. Sources: Clay enrichments integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Lead Scoring [Automated Inbound] - Clay University
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